Thursday, November 12, 2009

Business 3: Essential Oils, Supplements, Skincare

Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils that can be taken internally for powerful health.

Health from Supplements helps your body on a physical level. Health from these essential oils helps from a vibrational, physical, emotional level.

How does Migraine gone in 10 seconds, which means pain 100% gone and flashing lights gone 95% when this blend was massaged on here.

Want to know more about what single oils are available, blends etc?

When I was first told about this new MLM I thought "this will be a very limited market and will require a lot of work and specialised knowledge". What I have found is that it is a huge market because everyone who smells them or uses them falls in love with them. Sharing these is a LOVE not a chore or job - it is SO MUCH FUN!

How can you do this?
Dr Mom -- empowering women and giving them the confidence to look after their own family -- in a time when nuclear families are taking away health knowledge, this is bringing it back and giving the Mum's a good circle of friends who are proactive and helpful and truely caring and supporting each other : )
AromaTouch Technique Training -- not inviting to an mlm meeting - inviting to a training - it is a whole different ballgame that opens up a whole new way of contacting and a whole new circle of people.

Business 2: Patches for Instant Pain Relief, Instant Energy, DeTox, Youth, Peaceful Sleeps, and Weightloss

Want to know more? Watch Videos, Read Testimonials, Read Research, Read Product Information?

Business 1: Your Health Food Shop from your Home

For 15 years we have educated people on their health. Our alternative health knowledge is extensive and not limited to a company's product but incorporates easy mostly free changes you can make to your lifestyle to net gigantic wellbeing benefits.

Imagine, every product you could need for your home, that are all non-toxic and effective and safe. Rather than walking into a health food store and buying retail, you can now mail order or online order at WHOLESALE price and rather than the shop getting the retail markup- you do!

What products are there? Hair care, Personal Care, Skincare, Makeup (yes non-toxic, safe makeup), Baby Products, Nail Products, Home cleaning products (yes non-toxic but highly effective cleaning products), Sun Products, Fitness Products, Wide range of Supplements from basic everyday ones to specialty supplements targeted to specific needs in your body; and Car products! Everything for YOU Inside and Out!, Your Home and Your Car - Inside and Out! - providing a Healthy Environment for YOU.

Does it Cost more? Actually it works out cheaper. There is no 100% markup so the cost savings = reduced product cost = you pay less. Products are concentrated (less is better) so not only are you saving on purchase price but you are also saving on re-purchase quantities.

Do the Products work? Yes! Testimonies will be posted here shortly. Just seeing the difference between our health and others our age, seeing the difference in how we look compared to others our age - there is no comparison, we look younger and look healthier and ARE healthier. Wrinkle Free at 50!

How do you know the Products are safe? The company ensures that each product has
** every ingredient as SAFE,
** the recipe/formulation for the product ingredients is safe (doesnt create toxins by mixing together),
** there is no reaction between the container/bottle and the ingredients,
** there is no effect on the environment (products break down fast and ingredients do not affect the environment, bottles/containers recyclable, packaging is recyclable.

One thing we have learned - you pay for your health now, or you pay for your illness later. I'd rather pay for my health and have an improved body and life NOW!

Email us on to find out more.


How does this work as a business? Everyone wants a healthy body, wants a healthy and safe environment, wants to earn extra money, and shares something good - especially when people look at them after they start using the products and ask "what are you doing different? You look great"

How does it work? You open an account and transfer buy shop products for these 'Health Food Shop From Home' Products. If you just want to save money, use very good products, look good and feel great, then do no more! You do not ever need to tell anyone!

If you want to make extra income or passive income, then start sharing with others - spread the good news! As each person or family opens an account, you earn passive income on what products they order. The more people, the more ordering, the more you get paid. Simple!
Everyone transfer buys and saves. Business sponsors earn. Simple!

How long does it take? Depends on the people you know or contact and who they know or how good you are at internet marketing.

How much can I earn? There is no ceiling - you determine the most you get paid by when you stop sharing.

Do you help me? Yes, we have training modules in place for you to learn at home at your own pace and on the topics that interest you.

You can learn about your health and how you can improve and keep it.
You can learn how to use each of the products (for future reference).
You can learn how to share with others.
You can learn how to train others.
You can learn how to manage others.
You can learn how to run this as a business for tax benefits.